What is Leadership?
6 Hours
About the Course
The following resources are here to help you gain a better understanding of what leadership is. If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of these topics, go to the 1 on 1 tab to schedule a meeting with a director.
Fun Facts & Trivia about Leadership:
"You can have control or you can have growth but you can't have both." - Craig Groeschel
You don’t have to be in a management position to be a leader, leaders are found throughout all levels in an organization
While 83% of organizations believe it’s important to develop leaders at every level of the company, only 5% of businesses have implemented leadership development at all levels.
77% of businesses report that leadership is lacking.
What is Leadership?
The Leadership Code
Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe - Simon Sinek
Great Leadership Starts with Self-Leadership - Lars Sudmann
The 5 Levels of Leadership - John Maxwell
Be The Leader You Wish You Had - Simon Sinek
Book Recommendations:
If you would like to read one of these, speak to the GM and they might be able to get you a copy if we have available, otherwise you can find these on Audible, Amazon, iBooks, and Kindle.
The Five Levels of Leadership - John Maxwell
Leadershift - John Maxwell
How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
The Power of Positive Leadership - Jon Gordon
The Servant - James Hunter
The Power of Positive Leadership - Jon Gordon